
Diagnosing problems in NATS JetStream clusters requires:

The following tips and commands (while not an exhaustive list) can be useful when diagnosing problems in NATS JetStream clusters:

Troubleshooting tips

  1. Look at nats-server logs. By default, only warning and error logs are produced, but debug and trace logs can be turned on from the command line using -D and -DV, respectively. Alternatively, enabling debug or trace in the server config.

  2. Make sure that in the NATS JetStream configuration, at least one system user is configured in this section: { $SYS { users } }.

nats account commands


Verify that JetStream is enabled on account

Basic nats server commands


nats server ls

List known servers

nats server ping

Ping all servers

nats server info

Show information about a single server

Health check for NATS servers

nats server report commands


nats server report connections

Report on connections

nats server report accounts

Report on account activity

Report on JetStream activity

nats server request commands


Show JetStream details

nats server request subscriptions

Show subscription information

nats server request variables

Show runtime variables

nats server request connections

Show connection details

nats server request routes

Show route details

nats server request gateways

Show gateway details

nats server request leafnodes

Show leafnode details

nats server request accounts

Show account details

nats server cluster commands


Force a new leader election by standing down the current meta leader

Removes a server from a JetStream cluster

Experimental commands


Monitor NATS traffic. (Experimental command)

Further troubleshooting references

Last updated