Using the Object Store

The Object Store allows you to store data of any (i.e. large) size by implementing a chunking mechanism, allowing you to for example store and retrieve files (i.e. the object) of any size by associating them with a path and a file name (i.e. the key). You obtain a ObjectStoreManager object from your JetStream context.

// ObjectStoreManager is used to manage object stores. It provides methods
// for CRUD operations on object stores.
type ObjectStoreManager interface {
	// ObjectStore will look up and bind to an existing object store
	// instance.
	// If the object store with given name does not exist, ErrBucketNotFound
	// will be returned.
	ObjectStore(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (ObjectStore, error)

	// CreateObjectStore will create a new object store with the given
	// configuration.
	// If the object store with given name already exists, ErrBucketExists
	// will be returned.
	CreateObjectStore(ctx context.Context, cfg ObjectStoreConfig) (ObjectStore, error)

	// UpdateObjectStore will update an existing object store with the given
	// configuration.
	// If the object store with given name does not exist, ErrBucketNotFound
	// will be returned.
	UpdateObjectStore(ctx context.Context, cfg ObjectStoreConfig) (ObjectStore, error)

	// CreateOrUpdateObjectStore will create a new object store with the given
	// configuration if it does not exist, or update an existing object store
	// with the given configuration.
	CreateOrUpdateObjectStore(ctx context.Context, cfg ObjectStoreConfig) (ObjectStore, error)

	// DeleteObjectStore will delete the provided object store.
	// If the object store with given name does not exist, ErrBucketNotFound
	// will be returned.
	DeleteObjectStore(ctx context.Context, bucket string) error

	// ObjectStoreNames is used to retrieve a list of bucket names.
	// It returns an ObjectStoreNamesLister exposing a channel to receive
	// the names of the object stores.
	// The lister will always close the channel when done (either all names
	// have been read or an error occurred) and therefore can be used in a
	// for-range loop.
	ObjectStoreNames(ctx context.Context) ObjectStoreNamesLister

	// ObjectStores is used to retrieve a list of bucket statuses.
	// It returns an ObjectStoresLister exposing a channel to receive
	// the statuses of the object stores.
	// The lister will always close the channel when done (either all statuses
	// have been read or an error occurred) and therefore can be used in a
	// for-range loop.
	ObjectStores(ctx context.Context) ObjectStoresLister

// ObjectStore contains methods to operate on an object store.
// Using the ObjectStore interface, it is possible to:
// - Perform CRUD operations on objects (Get, Put, Delete).
//   Get and put expose convenience methods to work with
//   byte slices, strings and files, in addition to streaming [io.Reader]
// - Get information about an object without retrieving it.
// - Update the metadata of an object.
// - Add links to other objects or object stores.
// - Watch for updates to a store
// - List information about objects in a store
// - Retrieve status and configuration of an object store.
type ObjectStore interface {
	// Put will place the contents from the reader into a new object. If the
	// object already exists, it will be overwritten. The object name is
	// required and is taken from the ObjectMeta.Name field.
	// The reader will be read until EOF. ObjectInfo will be returned, containing
	// the object's metadata, digest and instance information.
	Put(ctx context.Context, obj ObjectMeta, reader io.Reader) (*ObjectInfo, error)

	// PutBytes is convenience function to put a byte slice into this object
	// store under the given name.
	// ObjectInfo will be returned, containing the object's metadata, digest
	// and instance information.
	PutBytes(ctx context.Context, name string, data []byte) (*ObjectInfo, error)

	// PutString is convenience function to put a string into this object
	// store under the given name.
	// ObjectInfo will be returned, containing the object's metadata, digest
	// and instance information.
	PutString(ctx context.Context, name string, data string) (*ObjectInfo, error)

	// PutFile is convenience function to put a file contents into this
	// object store. The name of the object will be the path of the file.
	// ObjectInfo will be returned, containing the object's metadata, digest
	// and instance information.
	PutFile(ctx context.Context, file string) (*ObjectInfo, error)

	// Get will pull the named object from the object store. If the object
	// does not exist, ErrObjectNotFound will be returned.
	// The returned ObjectResult will contain the object's metadata and a
	// reader to read the object's contents. The reader will be closed when
	// all data has been read or an error occurs.
	// A GetObjectShowDeleted option can be supplied to return an object
	// even if it was marked as deleted.
	Get(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) (ObjectResult, error)

	// GetBytes is a convenience function to pull an object from this object
	// store and return it as a byte slice.
	// If the object does not exist, ErrObjectNotFound will be returned.
	// A GetObjectShowDeleted option can be supplied to return an object
	// even if it was marked as deleted.
	GetBytes(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) ([]byte, error)

	// GetString is a convenience function to pull an object from this
	// object store and return it as a string.
	// If the object does not exist, ErrObjectNotFound will be returned.
	// A GetObjectShowDeleted option can be supplied to return an object
	// even if it was marked as deleted.
	GetString(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) (string, error)

	// GetFile is a convenience function to pull an object from this object
	// store and place it in a file. If the file already exists, it will be
	// overwritten, otherwise it will be created.
	// If the object does not exist, ErrObjectNotFound will be returned.
	// A GetObjectShowDeleted option can be supplied to return an object
	// even if it was marked as deleted.
	GetFile(ctx context.Context, name, file string, opts ...GetObjectOpt) error

	// GetInfo will retrieve the current information for the object, containing
	// the object's metadata and instance information.
	// If the object does not exist, ErrObjectNotFound will be returned.
	// A GetObjectInfoShowDeleted option can be supplied to return an object
	// even if it was marked as deleted.
	GetInfo(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...GetObjectInfoOpt) (*ObjectInfo, error)

	// UpdateMeta will update the metadata for the object.
	// If the object does not exist, ErrUpdateMetaDeleted will be returned.
	// If the new name is different from the old name, and an object with the
	// new name already exists, ErrObjectAlreadyExists will be returned.
	UpdateMeta(ctx context.Context, name string, meta ObjectMeta) error

	// Delete will delete the named object from the object store. If the object
	// does not exist, ErrObjectNotFound will be returned. If the object is
	// already deleted, no error will be returned.
	// All chunks for the object will be purged, and the object will be marked
	// as deleted.
	Delete(ctx context.Context, name string) error

	// AddLink will add a link to another object. A link is a reference to
	// another object. The provided name is the name of the link object.
	// The provided ObjectInfo is the info of the object being linked to.
	// If an object with given name already exists, ErrObjectAlreadyExists
	// will be returned.
	// If object being linked to is deleted, ErrNoLinkToDeleted will be
	// returned.
	// If the provided object is a link, ErrNoLinkToLink will be returned.
	// If the provided object is nil or the name is empty, ErrObjectRequired
	// will be returned.
	AddLink(ctx context.Context, name string, obj *ObjectInfo) (*ObjectInfo, error)

	// AddBucketLink will add a link to another object store. A link is a
	// reference to another object store. The provided name is the name of
	// the link object.
	// The provided ObjectStore is the object store being linked to.
	// If an object with given name already exists, ErrObjectAlreadyExists
	// will be returned.
	// If the provided object store is nil ErrBucketRequired will be returned.
	AddBucketLink(ctx context.Context, name string, bucket ObjectStore) (*ObjectInfo, error)

	// Seal will seal the object store, no further modifications will be allowed.
	Seal(ctx context.Context) error

	// Watch for any updates to objects in the store. By default, the watcher will send the latest
	// info for each object and all future updates. Watch will send a nil
	// entry when it has received all initial values. There are a few ways
	// to configure the watcher:
	// - IncludeHistory will have the watcher send all historical information
	// for each object.
	// - IgnoreDeletes will have the watcher not pass any objects with
	// delete markers.
	// - UpdatesOnly will have the watcher only pass updates on objects
	// (without latest info when started).
	Watch(ctx context.Context, opts ...WatchOpt) (ObjectWatcher, error)

	// List will list information about objects in the store.
	// If the object store is empty, ErrNoObjectsFound will be returned.
	List(ctx context.Context, opts ...ListObjectsOpt) ([]*ObjectInfo, error)

	// Status retrieves the status and configuration of the bucket.
	Status(ctx context.Context) (ObjectStoreStatus, error)

See more at jetstream/object.go

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