The JetStream controllers allow you to manage NATS JetStream Streams and Consumers via K8S CRDs. You can find more info on how to deploy and usage here. Below you can find an example of how to create a stream and a couple of consumers:
Once the CRDs are installed you can use kubectl to manage the streams and consumers as follows:
$kubectlgetstreamsNAMESTATESTREAMNAMESUBJECTSmystreamCreatedmystream [orders.*]$kubectlgetconsumersNAMESTATESTREAMCONSUMERACKPOLICYmy-pull-consumerCreatedmystreammy-pull-consumerexplicitmy-push-consumerCreatedmystreammy-push-consumernone# If you end up in an Errored state, run kubectl describe for more info.# kubectl describe streams mystream# kubectl describe consumers my-pull-consumer